1st Visibility exhibition

This was my first solo exhibition invited by Space Place Gallery in Russia. Documentation of the exhibition is courtesy of Space Place.

Space Place Gallery, Russia
May 24, 2018

Visibility is an on-going series currently consists of 3 groups of photographs titled blackout, light and silhouette. All these images reflect and contemplate on the literal and metaphorical meaning of the word “visibility” both in the context of the visual world and the real world.

These photos document my observations of the urban landscape in Vancouver from my daily commute route. They depict the subtle changes and fleeting moments of the seemingly unchanging landscape. These subtle and fleeting moments are normally overlooked by most people but they are enticingly visible to me in a very appealing way.

Pierre Vassura: New Work 1983-2018

“…Vassura had been maturing artistically outside the avenues that we understood for contemporary art. In fact, he had been working in private. Only once since his arrival in Canada did he exhibit paintings and sculptures, in 2002 at Vancouver’s Italian Cultural Centre. Vassura and his artworks have lived outside of exhibitions, careers, merchandising, and the endeavours of cultural capital that consume the art world, yet he himself has lived a life inside of art, working tirelessly on his project.

To me, Vassura’s perspective on art making is summarized by this quote “only the artist knows art, can put judgement on it and criticize it because they are doing it.” If this is true, it may be the solace an artist requires, to work consistently alone.” - by Eli Boronwsky

Pierre Vassura: New Work 1983-2018 is curated by Eli Boronwsky and Jonathan Middleton for the Richmond Art Gallery from December 1, 2018 - January 20, 2019.

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